- Selenium Grid start scripts for Linux and WindowsJBEHAVE-972
- Parser skips lines from story, if keyword is separated from text without space char.JBEHAVE-784Resolved issue: JBEHAVE-784Mauro Talevi
- Support Spring AnnotationConfigApplicationContextJBEHAVE-754Resolved issue: JBEHAVE-754Mauro Talevi
- Need to update the EBNF grammarJBEHAVE-751Resolved issue: JBEHAVE-751
- When @Named parameter matches name in Example table, it might be injected for steps that do not reference itJBEHAVE-748
- codeLocationFromPath breaks for paths with spacesJBEHAVE-747Resolved issue: JBEHAVE-747
- ReportsCount is counting files that aren't stories in the story countJBEHAVE-746Resolved issue: JBEHAVE-746
- @Named annotation doesn't work in scenario when Examples table and MetaInfo is usedJBEHAVE-745Resolved issue: JBEHAVE-745
- Unit test can fail due to random list orderingJBEHAVE-744Resolved issue: JBEHAVE-744
- NumberFormatException when trying to convert parameters to BigDecimal with German LocaleJBEHAVE-739Resolved issue: JBEHAVE-739
- Improve table usage on steps in parameterized scenariosJBEHAVE-737
- Composed steps don't behave like steps in a story when using parametersJBEHAVE-733Resolved issue: JBEHAVE-733
- Configure atlassian repo for accessing Google GData artifactJBEHAVE-732Resolved issue: JBEHAVE-732Mauro Talevi
- Current path is converted to file:/home/.../ when accessing codeLocationFromClass from inside a jarJBEHAVE-729Resolved issue: JBEHAVE-729
- Add a StoryReporter method before starting each individual exampleJBEHAVE-728Resolved issue: JBEHAVE-728
- Some source code is checked in with CR/LF line endingsJBEHAVE-727Resolved issue: JBEHAVE-727
- jenkins and hudson plugins are almost identical (pom, name and package-path are the only differences), this could be mergedJBEHAVE-726
- Some unit tests fail on Windows due to cr/lf encodingJBEHAVE-725Resolved issue: JBEHAVE-725
- Too many columns in an example table give IndexOutOfBoundsExceptionJBEHAVE-724Resolved issue: JBEHAVE-724Mauro Talevi
- Enable override of configured properties with values specified as table propertiesJBEHAVE-723Resolved issue: JBEHAVE-723Mauro Talevi
- Examples Table parser can be improved to allow a comment as the first lineJBEHAVE-722Resolved issue: JBEHAVE-722
- Add a beforeStep() method in the StoryReporterJBEHAVE-721Resolved issue: JBEHAVE-721Mauro Talevi
- Allow parametrisation of scenarios by delimited namesJBEHAVE-720Resolved issue: JBEHAVE-720Mauro Talevi
- Story reports not being published via Hudson PluginJBEHAVE-715
- Spaces in path breaks StoryFinder().findPaths()JBEHAVE-712Resolved issue: JBEHAVE-712
- empty lines in example tables should be ignoredJBEHAVE-711Resolved issue: JBEHAVE-711
- Pending steps methods should remove even more charactersJBEHAVE-710Resolved issue: JBEHAVE-710Mauro Talevi
- Named parameters sorrounded by quotes are not handled properlyJBEHAVE-709Resolved issue: JBEHAVE-709
- decorated txt reports get broken if the text contains <script></script> tagsJBEHAVE-705Resolved issue: JBEHAVE-705Mauro Talevi
- JUnit test per example in parametrized testsJBEHAVE-703
- Allow directives to support multiple step pattern variantJBEHAVE-702Resolved issue: JBEHAVE-702Mauro Talevi
- metaFilters "-skip" doesn't work while "-skip true" worksJBEHAVE-688Resolved issue: JBEHAVE-688Mauro Talevi
- Pending steps methods leave invalid chars in the method nameJBEHAVE-681Resolved issue: JBEHAVE-681Mauro Talevi
- PendingStepMethodGenerator doesn't put a space between ) and {JBEHAVE-680Resolved issue: JBEHAVE-680
- Fix typos in archetypes and removed unused file my_step.xml for non-Spring archetypeJBEHAVE-675Resolved issue: JBEHAVE-675
- HTML decoration marks parameters twiceJBEHAVE-674Resolved issue: JBEHAVE-674Mauro Talevi
- Total exclusion of excluded stories from reportsJBEHAVE-662Resolved issue: JBEHAVE-662Mauro Talevi
- HTML decoration for parameter empty string puts a span between each char in the lineJBEHAVE-656Resolved issue: JBEHAVE-656Mauro Talevi
- Title before "Scenario" ends up as package nameJBEHAVE-655Resolved issue: JBEHAVE-655
- Integrate JIRAJBEHAVE-653
- Cannot use the same step multiple times in a scenarioJBEHAVE-652Resolved issue: JBEHAVE-652
- ant copy-depedencies improvementsJBEHAVE-651Resolved issue: JBEHAVE-651
- Ant copy-dependencies (binary distribution) doesn't find all required artifacts when the local maven cache is emptyJBEHAVE-650Resolved issue: JBEHAVE-650
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