Of multiple exclusion meta filters only one is evaluated
Assuming meta info
the following filter may not exclude the scenario, although it should:
Method match in MetaFilter returns immediately when one filter expression does not match. If "environment" is tested before "skip", match will return false, and scenario will not be excluded. The logic should be changed such that match will return true, iff any exclusion filter matches.
The actual order of evaluation depends on the order of property names returned by #getPropertyNames, which appears to be alphabetical.
Assuming meta info
the following filter may not exclude the scenario, although it should:
returns immediately when one filter expression does not match. If "environment" is tested before "skip",match
will returnfalse
, and scenario will not be excluded. The logic should be changed such thatmatch
will returntrue
, iff any exclusion filter matches.The actual order of evaluation depends on the order of property names returned by #getPropertyNames, which appears to be alphabetical.