Hi, asking here as I wasn’t sure if the mailing lists were active.
I was wondering if it’d be possible to release a new bug fix version (or to let us know when one will be released) so we can use the fix for JBEHAVE-1577?
Many Thanks,
Mauro Talevi May 11, 2023 at 11:25 AM
5.1.1 released
Mauro Talevi May 8, 2023 at 8:18 PM
Hi Micheal,
a new bug fix release 5.1.1 will be out this week:
Hi, asking here as I wasn’t sure if the mailing lists were active.
I was wondering if it’d be possible to release a new bug fix version (or to let us know when one will be released) so we can use the fix for JBEHAVE-1577?
Many Thanks,